Kolejny specyfik który być może pomoże :P. Najgorsze jest to że stosuję jednocześnie tyle dziwnych specyfików że tak na prawdę nie wiem co mi pomaga :P.
"...Transfer factors (T.F.) are low molecular weight peptides or immune messengers that transfer the ability to express cell mediated immunity (or delayed type hypersensitivity) from immune donors to non-immune recipients. H. Sherwood Lawrence demonstrated this passive transfer of immunity (1,2) in 1949. He collected leukocytes from immune donors who demonstrated a positive skin reaction to a specific antigen and prepared extracts from them. He injected the extracts to skin test negative or immune compromised subjects. Subsequently the recipients reverted to skin positive reactions to the same antigens. These experiments thus provided direct and dramatic evidence for transfer of systemic and specific immunity between individuals. Subsequent repetition of these experiments with other antigens and indeed therapeutic trials of transfer of cellular immunity conducted by many investigators have confirmed and extended Lawrence's original observations. The results of these studies appear in thousands of publications a mini review of which appears later (see clinical and therapeutic uses of T.F.). It should be emphasized that transfer factors do not act as drugs for specific disease conditions, however, apparently, they endow the recipient with de novo immune capacity to resist and repel infections. Transfer factors are small peptides composed of number of amino acid residues (66, 67). Multiple combinatorial patterns between these amino acids create a vast number of different T.F. molecules. Such a large number of molecules would then satisfy the notion that a specific T.F. molecule is necessary to transfer immunity to each and every specific antigenic determinant (68). Another words, T.F. transfers immune power to a recipient who will subsequently gain specific immunity..."
a gdzie te t.f. można kupić. to jakiś lek?
OdpowiedzUsuńJa kupiłem na allegro. Co do skuteczności... sam nie wiem, koncepcja wydaje mi się prawdopodobna...lekarz któremu ufam napisał po tym jak go zapytałem co o tym sądzi: "...znam, jedni pacjenci chwalą, inni nie...". Podejrzewam że ten lekarz dopuszcza u swoich pacjentów działanie Placebo (nie ważne co, ważne że leczy) i taka odpowiedź sugeruje że w tym przypadku właśnie tą metodę zastosował.Jeżeli ktoś ma 180 pln wolnych pieniędzy, można spróbować. Ja nie żałuję.